The ideal set for the Junior Jumper! This set might seem little, but it has a lot to offer! The PolyJump Blocks and MultiJump Wings are designed to give you a variety of heights and challenges to your exercises by simply rotating the jumps! The MultiJumps have 7 different heights when it's stood upright, but rotate it over and you get a longer jump with lower pole heights. The PolyJump Blocks are also great for beginners as they are lightweight and easy to move around.
You can even stack the MultiJumps on top of the PolyJump Blocks to give you a much taller, more challenging jump set!
Jump Poles:
(3) 5-Band Pole | 3.0 m - Practice (80 mm)
OR (3) 5-Band Pole | 3.0 m - Pro (100 mm)
OR (3) 7-Band Pole | 3.0 m - Practice (80 mm)
OR (3) 7-Band Pole | 3.0 m - Pro (100 mm)
OR (3) 9-Band Pole | 3.0 m - Practice (80 mm)
OR (3) 9-Band Pole | 3.0 m - Pro (100 mm)
OR (3) Contemporary Pole | 3.0 m - Practice (80 mm)
OR (3) Contemporary Pole | 3.0 m - Pro (100 mm)
Wings & Blocks:
(1) MultiJumps | Pair
& (1) PolyJump Blocks | Pair