Collection: Jump Sets

Starting from scratch and need to get your hands on all the basic show jumps and poles? Or adding to an ever-growing collection? PolyJumps Horse Jump Sets offer the complete package suitable whether you’re practicing or professional!

Our show jump sets offer up a wide variety of challenges, suitable for training at home or preparing for competition. The Junior Jump Set is the perfect horse jump set for beginners, or for the more established equestrian, the Carol Mailer Sets are just the thing!

PolyJumps horse jump sets are strong, durable, and come in a wide variety of colours, designed to withstand years of use and sun damage. We can even offer custom sets with your very own unique colourway!

Work smarter, not harder, with our horse jump sets! These jump sets provide the ultimate training tools for building the foundations and performance of any horse rider. Save money by opting for a complete set AND capitalise on all of the training options our horse jump sets offer. Try out new exercises, show jumping courses, and combinations to put your training to the test!

If you see something you like, but aren’t sure exactly what you need, get in touch and drop us an email to and we’ll be happy to help you choose the perfect horse jump set for you.

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How many canter poles should I use?
You must use more than 2 canter poles, so the horse does not try to jump them. You can use as many canter poles as you like! The more poles you use, the harder the exercise is for the horse and rider.

How far apart do you put cavaletti poles?
Cavaletti poles should be placed between 9 and 11 feet apart, depending on the size of your horse’s canter stride. Remember to always adjust the distances as you go if they do not feel right!

What height does show jumping start from?
Show jumping can start from any height! There are unaffiliated classes beginning at X-poles or lead rein classes. British Show Jumping classes start from 90cm (British Novice) upwards.

4 products
  • Carol Mailer Grid Set | 7 Fence
    Photograph of horse and rider jumping over the PolyJumps Carol Mailer Grid Set, comprised of 14 Pink 8 Cups and 14 9 Band Pro Poles coloured: Purple, White & Pink.
    Regular price
    from £1,695.00
    Set Price
    from £1,695.00
    Regular price
    Unit price
    Sold out
  • Standard Arena Set | 7 Fence
    From left to right, 1 pair of red 8 cups with 2 5 band poles in red and white. 1 pair of yellow 8 Cups and yellow MultiJumps with 3 5 Band Poles. In the centre is a pair of white 8 Cups with 2 5 Band Pole in blue and white. 1 pair of blue 8 Cups and Blue MultiJumps with 3 5 Band Poles in blue and white. On the right is a pair of green 8 Cups with 2 green and white poles. All jumps in an arena.
    Regular price
    from £1,495.00
    Set Price
    from £1,495.00
    Regular price
    Unit price
    Sold out
  • Advanced Set | 8 Fence
    Photograph of the PolyJumps Advanced set in an arena. The set's contents are as follows: 1 set of Combi Blocks, 4 sets of Cross Wings and 3 sets of 8 Cups with 4 Bridge Fillers and 21 Poles. This set's colour scheme is primarily Red.
    Regular price
    from £3,035.00
    Set Price
    from £3,035.00
    Regular price
    Unit price
    Sold out
  • Competition Set | 6 Fence
    Regular price
    from £3,880.00
    Set Price
    from £3,880.00
    Regular price
    Unit price
    Sold out